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[DMA]∎ Download Free Julius II The Warrior Pope eBook Christine Shaw

Julius II The Warrior Pope eBook Christine Shaw

Download As PDF : Julius II The Warrior Pope eBook Christine Shaw

Download PDF  Julius II The Warrior Pope eBook Christine Shaw

"Distinguished by enthusiasm, restraint, painstaking research and lucid exposition of the labyrinthine politics of Renaissance Rome and Italy – a delight to read."
(Times Literary Supplement)

Julius II was one of the most remarkable and colourful men ever to sit on the papal throne. His vigour, determination, ambition, passion for action and notorious temper were more suited to the soldier he would probably have preferred to be, than to the ecclesiastical potentate he became under the patronage of his uncle, Pope Sixtus IV.

A cardinal for 30 years before his own election, Julius enjoyed a long career in at the centre of the political life of Renaissance Italy. After becoming pope in 1503, he revived the temporal authority of the papacy by his military campaigns, some of which he conducted in person. He was also an outstanding patron of the arts and commissioned major works including the Sistine Chapel ceiling. Many of his actions, however, compromised the papacy's spiritual authority, attracting the satire of Erasmus and contributing to Martin Luther's crisis of conscience.

Shaw's account includes new material about Julius' career as a cardinal, which should give fresh perspectives on his policies as pope. The reports of those who negotiated with him, those who observed him and spied on him, ridiculed him and admired him, are used to depict the vivid, powerful and humorous personality of the "papa terribile" and the impact he made on his times.

Julius II The Warrior Pope eBook Christine Shaw

If you are looking for an easy to read biography that grabs your attention, this is not it. Very well research; however, the author is a reporter not a story teller.

Product details

  • File Size 1169 KB
  • Print Length 388 pages
  • Simultaneous Device Usage Unlimited
  • Publisher Crux Publishing (April 9, 2015)
  • Publication Date April 9, 2015
  • Sold by  Digital Services LLC
  • Language English

Read  Julius II The Warrior Pope eBook Christine Shaw

Tags : Julius II: The Warrior Pope - Kindle edition by Christine Shaw. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Julius II: The Warrior Pope.,ebook,Christine Shaw,Julius II: The Warrior Pope,Crux Publishing,HISTORY Europe Italy,HISTORY Renaissance
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Julius II The Warrior Pope eBook Christine Shaw Reviews

I would just like to say on behalf of this book that Christine Shaw did a wonderful job in explaining who Pope Julius II was. I just recently wrote a research paper on the influences of the Church on Michelangelo while painting the Sistine Chapel ceiling and this book was the only one I could find that gave me sufficient information on this Pope. I had never realized how much power a pope had and the fact that Julius II was so significant in Michelangelo's artistic life. In many ways if it wasn't for him then Michelangelo would not have this piece of artwork that makes people that have not even heard of the Vatican go, 'oh yes the Sistine Chapel with the Creation of Adam'. I am so pleased that such a book on one pope is avaliable for people who have limited resources for their school research papers.
In all fairness to the author, this is a detailed academic exploration of the political life of Julius (it IS titled "The Warrior Pope", not "The Art Connoisseur Pope"), and is not a historical novel so it must be viewed in that context. She has done an incredible job of extensive research and compilation and the main complaint is that perhaps that degree of detail is hard to process in such quantity. I don't agree that you must know Italian politics extensively to comprehend the situations of Julius's papacy portrayed here, I had only a superficial knowledge and was able to grasp it quite well. A heavier hand at editing when published might have made it lighter reading, but would also have taken away from the wealth of knowledge given. I have not set it aside after 275 pages, so I am likely to finish it, my own form of praise on academic works. She deserves kudos for a job well done and well presented on this biography.
Today, we probably think of Julius II only in relation to the great artists in his employ, such as Michelangelo and Bramante. Unfortunately, this book does not provide much perspective on his relationships to the artists of the time, nor on the new ideas of art that were in the air. Shaw seems to write about this side of Julius rather as a chore, for what she apparently prefers to dwell on, quite at length, is Julius' political life before and during the papacy. If you are interested in the politics of the period, you will find the book very good in providing highly factual information. Shaw does not appear to enjoy speculation and seems uncomfortable with any information that she cannot tie to a specific source, but you have to respect her for trying to wade through all of the apocrypha that has sprung up around Julius. I had two other problems with this book it assumes that you already know a good deal about the politics of the Italian Renaissance,and it also closes with Julius' death, rather than giving us some indication of how the policies he instituted as Pope played out after him -- even a little information on what his immedate and longer term legacy was and how he was regarded would have been useful.
Reads like a textbook. Boring book, I couldn't wait to get through it then resell it on . Author seems unable to make the story of this exciting man interesting.
If you are looking for an easy to read biography that grabs your attention, this is not it. Very well research; however, the author is a reporter not a story teller.
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